The Interfaith Campus Council is committed and accountable for advancing diversity, equity, and inclusion in all its forms at Cal Poly and in the Central Coast community. We aim to embrace individual uniqueness, foster communities of inclusion that supports both the broad and specific diversity initiatives of our campus. We hope to leverage the educational, institutional, and spiritual benefits of diversity and engage our community members with care to ensure everyone is able to connect and thrive.
Who Are We?
The word ‘radical’ means to return to the roots and the word “community” means a group of people in the same place or who share something in common being in fellowship and working towards common interests and goals. The Interfaith community at Cal Poly is a RADICAL COMMUNITY- a community seeking to be more human, knowing that we all have dignity and worth. We are seekers with many questions embracing that we can both transform and be transformed. Simply, we are ordinary people called to do extraordinary acts on our campus, in our communities, and world.
We strive to promote access, equity, and inclusion in all our programs, events, and ministries. We welcome:
- The Certain and the Doubtful
- The Excluded and the Included
- Rich, Poor, and In-between
- Divorced, Partnered, Single, or Widowed
- People of all faiths and spiritualties, people who are agnostic, or none.
- People of all sexualities, genders, and expressions.
- Black, Brown, White, and every other hue.
- Native, Documented, Undocumented, and guests.
All are welcome.
As people of faith, the value of RADICAL HOSPITALITY AND INCLUSION is a central value and propels our missions and ministries. It is at the very heart of how we hope to be known through our actions, words, and deeds. Our traditions call us to do the work of recognizing our own privileges and biases and how they inform how we show up in the world, as well as to be solidarity with the poor, oppressed, marginalized or disenfranchised. We seek to comfort the disturbed and disturb the comfortable. We do this by condemning and throwing down human systems that perpetuate harm and practicing greater hospitality and inclusion in all we do.
What do we do?
At Cal Poly and within our communities:
- We will foster and maintain safe environments of respect and inclusion for any faculty, staff, students, or affiliates we serve.
- We will work to educate our communities to be social justice advocates, intentionally providing curricula, programs, and environments that help elevate cultural awareness.
- We will ensure fair and inclusive access to our facilities, programs, resources, and services by reviewing our policies and practices.
- We practice the delicate art of giving and receiving feedback, suspending our intentions in favor of understanding our impact.
- We will condemn all actions of intolerance, meanness, corruption, and greed.
Guiding Documents

Title IX - Title IX protects individuals from discrimination based on sex in all education programs or activities that receive any financial assistance from the federal government.
Disability Rights - Disability support and accommodation is a commitment of Cal Poly and we are committed to working closely with community members with disabilities to ensure our educational environment conforms to federal and state disability laws.
The Cal Poly Statement on Commitment to Community - The Cal Poly community values a broad and inclusive campus learning experience where its members embrace core values of mutual respect, academic excellence, open inquiry, free expression and respect for diversity.
The Cal Poly Statement on Diversity - At Cal Poly we believe that academic freedom, a cornerstone value, is exercised best when there is understanding and respect for our diversity of experiences, identities, and world views. Consequently, we create learning environments that allow for meaningful development of self-awareness, knowledge, and skills alongside attention to others who may have experiences, worldviews, and values that are different from our own.
The Mustang Way values set a clear direction for all members of the Cal Poly community to appreciate and celebrate differences in others, creating an environment of mutual respect, community, and responsibility to support other Mustangs.